At Bournes Green Infant School, our Religious Education curriculum explores the big questions about life, inspiring children to discover what different people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. Children are encouraged to begin to make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living and showing respect to those from different religious and cultural backgrounds to their own. RE starts in EYFS when exploring special times such as Diwali and Christmas, special people and what is special about the world. Throughout Key Stage 1, children are encouraged to begin to make sense of religions and other worldviews, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living and showing respect to those from different religions and cultural backgrounds from their own. We aim to build on and expand children’s personal viewpoints, promote equality and diversity and stretch their understanding in ways that engage children’s curiosity and develop their ability to critically think. Children are introduced to subject specific vocabulary throughout their learning of RE and develop skills including investigating, analysing, debating and making comparisons.
We offer a broad and rich RE curriculum to allow children to develop a holistic understanding of the religions that make up the UK’s spiritual landscape. We provide a high quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject where children have the opportunity to explore a range of religions and worldviews, as well as have the chance to reflect on their own views and beliefs.