Assemblies are an important way of celebrating success, discussing important local, national and global issues as well and sharing important information about our schools. Our carefully planned assemblies are led by a range of staff.
Regular weekly assemblies include:
- Celebration Assembly
- Singing Assembly
- Jigsaw Assembly (this follows the Jigsaw PSHE Scheme we use)
- British Values/Protected Characteristics Assembly (this covers a range of local, national and international areas)
Within our regular assemblies, we have introduced the Artist of the Half Term, a Fortnighly Focus and Mr Denchfield's Fact of the Week. We share this information in the weekly newsletter.
In addition, we hold regular special assemblies throughout the year (e.g. Remembrance Day, Pancake Day, Anti-Bullying)
We also hold assemblies for usual or infrequent events (e.g. key royal events, local\national\international disasters)
We also hold assemblies to support charity events we support (e.g. Children in Need, Comic Relief, Herds About The Town)
In the Junior School, our children watch BBC Newsround to further develop their understanding of our world.
Please contact Mr Denchfield if you would like to know more about our assemblies and programme of enrichment through our shared time together.